Dear readers, gazers, critics, searchers...
Welcome to my blog! My name is Samantha Yang, and these are images of my artwork. In upcoming posts, you will see a title, an image, pertinent work information (dimensions, media, dates, etc.), and probably some tidbits about each piece regarding process, inspiration, fluff.
I am open to any and all feedback. Art is a method of communication, and the best art creates a dialog between the viewers and the work. Please feel free to despise, adore, be bored, be intrigued, be critical, or be all of the above.
Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy!

Collage on paper
9.5" x 14"
Not for sale
These are some recent experimental pieces in my sketchbook. I'm discovering the joy of envelopes and collage and have been raiding my sister's origami paper stores. Each piece is continuation of the one below it. The bottom-most image is all envelopes closed, the middle image is all envelopes open, and the top image is the scraps left over after making the envelopes.
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