Dear readers, gazers, critics, searchers...

Welcome to my blog!  My name is Samantha Yang, and these are images of my artwork.  In upcoming posts, you will see a title, an image, pertinent work information (dimensions, media, dates, etc.), and probably some tidbits about each piece regarding process, inspiration, fluff.

I am open to any and all feedback.  Art is a method of communication, and the best art creates a dialog between the viewers and the work.  Please feel free to despise, adore, be bored, be intrigued, be critical, or be all of the above.

Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Pieces of Pi

Oil, acrylic, charcoal, and Galkyd on canvas
12" x 12" (each)

This triptych shows fractions of pies over fractions of pi.  Or rather, fractions of 2*pi.  

The first piece is called "Pie for Three" and it shows 4*pi/3 written out in decimal form to about 35 digits in the background.  The pie is missing one third.

The second piece, "Pie," has 2*pi in approximate decimal form and shows a full pie.

The third piece, "Pie for 8," has pi/4 in approximate decimal form and shows an eighth of a pie.

Though it doesn't photograph well, each pie has a thick coating of dripped Galkyd over the red part, making it look like pie filling.

1 comment:

JoeNalgas said...

Very cool piece! I just had a couple pieces today of pumpkin pie that my grandma made. Now I'm hungry just looking at this piece. I'm such a fat ass.. :)